Apr 10, 2010 & & & World headlines around email. & & Start a Petition » change_setup("300", "Featured", "all", "#DCB000", 6); Published on Monday, Apr 5, 2010 by Salon.com.On Feb twelve of this year, U.S. forces entered a encampment in the&Paktia Province in Afghanistan and, after surrounding a home where a jubilee of a new bieing born was receiving place, shot passed dual masculine civilians (government officials)&who exited the residence in sequence to scrutinise because they had been surrounded, and afterwards shot and killed 3 womanlike kin (a profound mom of ten, a profound mom of six, and a teenager).& The&Pentagon afterwards released a matter claiming that (a)&the passed males were insurgents&or terrorists, (b)&the bodies of the 3 women had been found by U.S. forces firm and gagged inside the home, and (c)&suggested that the women had already been killed by the time the&U.S. had arrived, expected the plant of respect killings by the Taliban militants killed in the attack.Although countless witnesses on the stage as well as internal investigators vehemently doubtful the&Pentagons version, and insisted that all of the dead&(including the women) were civilians and were killed by U.S. forces, the American media mostly adopted the Pentagons version, mostly but any questions.& But sufficient justification has right away emerged disproving those claims such that the&Pentagon was forced yesterday to confess that their strange version was all fake and that it was U.S. infantry who killed the women:&After primarily denying impasse or any cover in the deaths of 3 Afghan women during a really bad unfit American Special Operations attack in February, the American-led infantry authority in Kabul certified late on Sunday that the forces had, in fact, killed the women during the night raid.One NATO&official pronounced that there had expected been an bid to cover what happened by U.S. infantry around justification tampering on the scene&(though alternative NATO&officials repudiate this claim).& The&Times of London essentially reported yesterday that, at slightest according to Afghan investigators, US special forces soldiers dug bullets out of their victims bodies in the full of blood issue of a botched night raid, afterwards cleared the wounds with ethanol prior to lying to their superiors about what happened.What is transparent -- nonetheless again -- is how utterly misinformed and propagandized Americans go on to be by the American media, that constantly&reports&on consequential events in Afghanistan by you do zero some-more than mindlessly and unquestioningly flitting along U.S. supervision claims as though they are fact. &Here, for instance, is how the&Paktia situation was reported by CNN on Feb 12: Note how the title states as actuality that the women were passed as the outcome of an respect killing.& The complete CNN&article does zero but repeat what an unnamed comparison infantry central pronounced about the incident, and it even willingly explained:12345; &
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